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Compatible inkjet chip for Canon CLI-8G - green

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Compatible Canon CLI-8G Chip (CLI-8 GREEN). This is an aftermarket compatible chip for Canon CLI-8 cartridges, which can be installed on any Canon CLI-8 cartridge and will allow your printer to recognize the cartridge as FULL.Why do I need a chip for the Canon CLI-8? Canon has made the CLI-8 cartridges dependent on the chips, basically when you run out of ink on your Canon CLI-8 cartridge, the printer reads a message from the chip that says the cartridge is "empty". This causes the printer to send you error signals until you replace the cartridge. Now you can refill your Canon CLI-8 cartridges and simply add our new compatible chips, which will be recognized by your printer as "new", thereby allowing you to print with your refilled cartridge just as though it were new! These chips are perfect for use with our compatible cartridges for CLI-8 as well, or with our plugins (inktanks).

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